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Alison Howell, 'Forget “militarization”: race, disability and the “martial politics” of the police and of the university' [access reading here] (Fugitive Planning)


On the Militarism of Universities (University of London Students)


British mercenaries and counter-insurgency (Khalfan al-Badwawi)


Markets and Militarism at Wits University Under SOAS' New Director (Gavin Capps)


Militarism of Pension Schemes: What Branches can do


Sticker / Zine-Making (Daikon)


Detention and Militarism (SOAS Detainee Support)


Outsourcing and the University (Boycott Senate House/ IWGB)


Borders and Militarism (All African Women's Group)


Precarity and the University (SOAS Justice for Workers)


Scenes from 'This is not an Echo Chamber' (POC Drama Society)


Poetry on the Picket


Nae Pasaran Outdoor Film Screening





Prison abolition workshop (Empty Cages Collective, Kelsey Mohamed)


In this workshop, the Empty Cages Collective will discuss the realities of the prison system in the UK and why prison abolition is a necessary part of anti-racist, feminist and queer justice. Together we will work to envision a world with safe, resilient communities equipped with the tools to respond to harm and support survivors, without the use of punishment, surveillance and cages.



Trans Prison Policy in the UK: Challenging Media Misinformation (Dr Sarah Lamble, Law, Birkbeck)


Trans prisoner issues have received a lot of public attention lately, but much of it is framed by false claims, fake news and misleading reports. In the current climate of misinformation, there is a greater need to understand the situation of trans and gender non-binary prisoners. This workshop will:

•       Provide key facts about the situation of trans and non-binary prisoners in the UK

•       Explain the new Ministry of Justice policy on trans prisoners and its likely impact

•       Discuss the context for the new policy and the impact of wider transphobia and media misinformation about trans prison issues



'Marxist Monsters: Frankenstein, Labour, and Reproduction’ (Katie Stone and Raphael Kabo, English, Birkbeck)

We want to discuss how exploitative working conditions make monsters of us, and how we can use that monstrousness to help us organise and reproduce better worlds. We will use the various labouring bodies described in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to help us think through what it means to be a monster, a worker, and a revolutionary.

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