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War, Militarism and Climate Justice (Daniel Selwyn)



Economic, Social and Evironmental Justice - a Green New Deal (Ann Pettifore)



Anti-Citizenship Amendment Act protests in India  (Adrija Dey, Jonathan Galton, Navtej Purewal, Rahul Rao, Subir Sinha and Mayur Suresh)



Community Organizing how-to's: campaign planning and action logic  (Maya Bhardwaj and Fatima Ibrahim)



Climate Strike (National Day of Action)



Science Fiction and the Coming Catastrophe (Caroline Edwards, Modern & Contemporary Literature, Birkbeck)



















How can science fiction help us understand climate crisis? This session will consider how SF literature and film prepares us for the coming catastrophe - anticipating what we would need in our backpacks, the skills we'll need to survive, and how to forge new, less exploitative communities after the end of the world (and, finally, the end of capitalism). Along the way, we'll encounter posthumans made of rock, people who can transform themselves into computers, and how naked forest bathing under the glow of planetary collision can help. It'll be a wild ride, and there might even be a lesson or two in how to undertake useless, un-REF-able academic research that refuses to contribute to the neoliberal academy.



Practising transformative justice (Sami Capulcu, Accountability Working Group)


(NOTE: this teach-out has been changed to a video presentation. A link to be uploaded next week)


Prison abolition is having a resurgence - with transformative justice posed as the alternative to the prison industrial complex. But how can we embed transformative justice approaches in our day to day lives? This workshop will dig into different approaches to justice, what transformative justice (TJ) means, what it can look like, and how we can apply TJ methods and approaches in our work and lives.

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